Yes: Dollar is 74 cents Euro;When the price of crude oil is based on Euro,Dollar is curtains, In 1973 The Nations agreed to set price of oil according to Markets in New York
and London would be sold in Dollars,This worked for Years,
as Money flowed to Producing Nations,That is in process of Changing.
In Referance to "End Time"Signs didn"t mean nothing untill
Israel captured Temple Mount in Jerusalem.AS to commerce
in this day,It is in process of change to R.F.I.D.That is changing to a Colorles ink it is read by Radio Freq. or scanner------takes 8 seconds to mark flesh and is cheaper tha chip.This Identerfier can be color or seen but doesn"t need to be,It is avaible for cattle now,works as well in people.
This will Eliminate theft at stores & be a source of control of Terriost, made by (So-Mark St. Louis Mo.) Do you understand that people have missed the Jerusalem connection,That is why Believers are confused---The Church
hasn"t Replaced Israel,Pastors haven"t told their Flock.I believe they are doing this now.---The Book of James records
econimic colapse, This book addresed to 12 tribes of Israel
I believe is a Picture of the 1 st. Yr. of Seven yr> Tribulation.